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COVID-19 Safety Plan


Environmental Measures

  • Staff will have the children outdoors as much as possible, including during snack times and play time and learning circles.
  • Staff will reassure parents and children that the playground is a safe environment and will remind them of proper hand cleaning hygiene before, during and after outdoor play.
  • Staff will ensure adequate ventilation on the building by having the air filter system running and/or windows open.
  • We will organize children into small groups or spread them out throughout the room with individual work spaces, indirectly guiding them by setting up our environment so that the children move to those spaces naturally.
  • Staff will use different room configurations using activity tables and activity mats.
  • Staff will remove toys that encourage group play and keep toys that encourage individual play.
  • Staff will help children learn about physical distancing and less physical contact by creating activities and/or games that include basic principles such as “two arm length apart.”

Guidelines for Cleaning and Disinfecting

  • General building cleaning will occur once a day. Disinfecting between groups of children will occur after each group leaves.
  • Frequently touched surfaces will be disinfected a least twice a day using a disinfecting cleaning product, this includes door knobs, light switches, faucets, counters, chairs, electronic devices, and toys.
  • Toys that cannot be easily cleaned have and will continue to be removed from the centre.
  • All garbage containers will be removed from the building daily at minimum.
  • Employees will wear disposable gloves when handling bodily fluids or blood and will wash hands before wearing the gloves and after.
  • Control Measures for Maintaining Physical Distance
  • We will stagger our preschool starting times so that all of the children and parents do not come at the same time.
  • We will have limited the amount of persons in our workplace by only allowing children and necessary workers and employees inside the building.
  • We are reducing the amount of children in our preschool classes by almost 50%
  • We are spending more time outdoors in open areas during class times.
  • We will post an occupancy limit signage and are limiting the amount of children in our back hook area to 3 children at a time, and one child at a time in the bathrooms to keep a distance of 2m.
  • Staff will minimize the frequency of direct physical contact with children and encourage children to minimize physical contact with each other.
  • Staff will avoid close greetings like hugs and handshakes and will remind children to keep their hands to their own bodies.
  • We will minimize the number of different staff that interact with the same children throughout the day to our best ability.
  • Staff will stagger snack times to allow sufficient spacing between children.
  • Administrative Measures
  • Admin has established a policy that clearly communicates with parents and caregivers to asses their children daily for symptoms before sending them for child care.
  • Admin has established a policy and procedure for children and staff that become sick while at the facility
  • Signage will be posted to remind people not to enter the facility if they are sick or showing any symptoms of illness.
  • Staff may ask parents and caregivers before signing them in or before they enter the facility if they are having any symptoms of common cold, influenza, or COVID-19.
  • If staff feel reason they may take the temperature of the child using an infer-red thermometer.
  • Staff will remain physically distanced 2m from each other as much as possible.
  • Staff will have any children showing any illness symptoms to wait out front of our building with one teacher who is staying at a social distance until the child is picked up, while another staff ensures the play area is disinfected
  • Pick up and drop off will occur outside, unless there is a need for the parent or caregiver to enter then that person must be reminded by staff to use proper hand washing hygiene and maintain social distance from all other children and staff.
  • Parents and caregivers that are symptomatic must not enter the centre.
  • Staff will now be responsible for signing in and out a child. When signing in a child the staff can do a visual assessment and also ask the parent or caregiver to confirm that that child does not have any symptoms of illness if they feel necessary.
  • If a staff feels that a child is showing any sort of symptoms of illness at drop off they can deny entry and let the parent or caregiver know that it is our policies and procedures that we have to deny any entry if we feel the child or even the parent is showing any symptoms.

  • Staff will refer to and follow the guidance of the COVID_19 Public Heath Guidance for Child Care Setting. May 15, 2020 :
  • Hand Hygiene :
  • Rigorous hand washing with plain soap and water is the single most effective way to reduce the spread of illness. Children and staff can pick up germs easily from anything they touch, and can spread those germs to objects, surfaces, food and people. Everyone should practice diligent hand hygiene. Parents and staff can teach and reinforce these practices amongst children.

How to perform hand hygiene:

• Wash hands with plain soap and water for at least 20 seconds (sing the “ABC’s” or “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”). o Antibacterial soap is not needed for COVID-19.

• If sinks are not available (e.g., children and staff are outside), supervised use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol may be considered.

• If hands are visibly soiled, alcohol-based hand sanitizers may not be effective at eliminating respiratory viruses. Soap and water are preferred when hands are visibly dirty.

• To learn about how to perform hand hygiene, see BCCDC’s Hand Hygiene poster and a signage for children.

Strategies to ensure diligent hand hygiene:

• A Hand hygiene station will be set up at the entrance, so that children can clean their hands when they enter. If a sink with soap and water is not available, provide hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Keep hand sanitizer out of children’s reach and supervise its use.

• Staff will Incorporate additional hand hygiene opportunities into the daily schedule.

• Staff will ensure the centre is well-stocked with hand washing supplies at all times including plain soap, clean towels, paper towels, waste bins, and where appropriate, hand sanitizer with a minimum of 60% alcohol.

• Children regularly forget about proper hand washing. Staff and children will practice often and staff will model washing hands properly in a fun and relaxed way.

Staff will assist young children with hand hygiene as needed.

Respiratory Etiquette

Children and staff will do to their best abilities:

• Cough or sneeze into their elbow sleeve or a tissue. Throw away used tissues and immediately perform hand hygiene (“Cover your coughs”).

• Not touch their eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands (“Hands below your shoulders”).

Parents and staff can teach and reinforce these practices amongst children.


Children and staff should not share food, drinks, soothers, bottles, sippy cups, toothbrushes, facecloths, and other personal items.

• Label personal items with the child’s name to discourage accidental sharing.

• If meals or snacks are provided, ensure each child has their own individual meal or snack. Reusable utensils must be cleaned and sanitized after each use.

• Ask parents and caregivers to only bring personal comfort items (e.g., stuffies) if they are clean and can be laundered at the end of each day.

Personal Protective Equipment

Personal protective equipment, such as masks and gloves are not needed in the child care setting, beyond those used by staff as part of regular precautions for the hazards normally encountered in their regular course of work. They should only be used when all other controls have been fully explored.

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